England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History


  • Religion and politics in the Edwardian era

    The experience of the Hampshire Congregationalists in the Edwardian period. To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.

  • Lloyd George, nonconformity and radicalism

    Lloyd George’s career and beliefs from 1890 to 1906. To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.

  • So many Gladstones

    Review of Richard Shannon, Gladstone: God and Politics (Hambledon Continuum, 2007).

  • Religion and politics

    Religion and politics. The impact of the Bradlaugh case on the Berwick-upon-Tweed by-elections of 1880 and 1881. To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.

  • Nonconformists

    The Nonconformists were members of several Protestant groups outside the Church of England. They included in their ranks the Old Dissenters, denominations that went back to the seventeenth century. The largest body then had been the Presbyterians, who believed that there should be no bishops since all ministers were equal.

  • Religion, human rights and politics in 1906 and 2006

    Keynote speech to the Cambridge 1906 seminar. To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.