Reginald McKenna

Born: 06 July 1863
Died: 06 September 1943
Liberal MP for North Monmouthshire 1895-1918
Financial Secretary to the Treasury 1905-07, President of the Board of Education 1907-08, First Lord of the Admiralty 1908-11, Home Secretary 1911-15, Chancellor of the Exchequer 1915-16
Chairman of the Midland Bank 1919-43
Journal Articles (subject)
The following journal articles are about Reginald McKenna or mention them in some way:
- Liberal defectors and the First World War
- Asquith: friendship, love and betrayal
- 7 December 1916: Asquith, Lloyd George and the crisis of Liberalism
- Lloyd George’s presidency of the Board of Trade
- The coalition of 1915-1916
- Left, right: December 1916 – The forward march of Liberals halted