England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History


A range of resources for students of Liberal history.

  • Archives: individuals

    Archives – collections of papers, etc. – for individuals important in Liberal, SDP and Liberal Democrat history (mostly drawn from articles in the Journal of Liberal History).

  • Archives: libraries

    Liberal archives in university and municipal libraries (mostly drawn from articles in the Journal of Liberal History).

  • Audio

  • Bibliography

  • Election candidates directory

    Comprehensive biographical Index of all Liberal, Liberal Democrat and Social Democrat candidates for all parliamentary elections and by-elections from 1945 to 2019. Compiled by Lionel King.

  • LDHG Meeting Recordings

  • PhD theses

    Theses presented for higher degrees at universities in the UK since 1901, under the titles Liberal Party, liberalism and the Social Democratic Party (SDP). Compiled for the Liberal Democrat History Group by Dr Richard S. Grayson, and Graham Lippiatt using the Institute of Historical Research database for Higher Degrees in the United Kingdom, Part I: Theses Completed.

  • Research in progress

    This listing aims to assist research projects in progress. If you can help any of the individuals listed below with sources, contacts, or any other helpful information – or if you know anyone who can – please pass on details using the contact information listed. If you know of any other research project in progress for inclusion in this column, please contact us and we will add it to the list.