Edwardian Liberalism
Review of H. V. Emy, Liberals, Radicals and Social Politics, 1892-1914 (Cambridge University Press, 1973; reprinted 2008).
The Liberal Party and womens suffrage, 1866-1918
Analysis of the relationship between the Liberal Party and the campaigns for womens suffrage. To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.
The farm workers champion
Biography of one of the first working men to be elected to Parliament, Joseph Arch (1826-1919). To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.
The history of the Lib-Labs
The history of what became known as Lib-Labbery: the representation of labour interests in parliament through the Liberal Party. To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.
The first working class representatives within Parliament were known as "Lib-Lab" MPs. They accepted the Liberal whip while exercising the right to utilise their experience to speak freely on labour issues.
A ‘sincere, thorough and hearty Liberal’?
Biography of Jabez Balfour, 1843-1916. To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.
Gladstone and Ireland: the legacy
1868 -1974: analysis of Gladstone’s domination of both the Liberal Party and Ireland in the latter part of the nineteenth century. To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.
The Home Rule crisis
Shortly after Gladstone’s second government had seen the third reform act safely onto the statute book in 1885, it suffered a defeat on the budget and resigned. Lord Salisbury formed a minority Conservative government that called an election when the new enlarged electoral register was ready.