England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History


  • Edwardian Liberalism

    Review of H. V. Emy, Liberals, Radicals and Social Politics, 1892-1914 (Cambridge University Press, 1973; reprinted 2008).

  • The Liberal Party and womens suffrage, 1866-1918

    Analysis of the relationship between the Liberal Party and the campaigns for womens suffrage. To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.

  • The farm workers champion

    Biography of one of the first working men to be elected to Parliament, Joseph Arch (1826-1919). To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.

  • The history of the Lib-Labs

    The history of what became known as Lib-Labbery: the representation of labour interests in parliament through the Liberal Party. To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.

  • Lib-Labs

    The first working class representatives within Parliament were known as "Lib-Lab" MPs. They accepted the Liberal whip while exercising the right to utilise their experience to speak freely on labour issues.

  • A ‘sincere, thorough and hearty Liberal’?

    Biography of Jabez Balfour, 1843-1916. To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.

  • Gladstone and Ireland: the legacy

    1868 -1974: analysis of Gladstone’s domination of both the Liberal Party and Ireland in the latter part of the nineteenth century. To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.

  • Land taxing and the Liberals, 1879 – 1914

    Why did the Liberals of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries care so much about the land question in general, and land value taxation in particular? To access this content, you must purchase Annual subscription (digital) – unwaged rate or Annual subscription (digital) – standard rate.

  • The Home Rule crisis

    Shortly after Gladstone’s second government had seen the third reform act safely onto the statute book in 1885, it suffered a defeat on the budget and resigned. Lord Salisbury formed a minority Conservative government that called an election when the new enlarged electoral register was ready.