England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Journal of Liberal History 103

Journal of Liberal History 103

Issue: Summer, 2019

Price: £7.50

In this issue: OId heroes for a new leader: Liberal Democrat leadership candidates’ historical heroes (Ed Davey, Jo Swinson); Welsh Liberal Party 1966–70: New beginnings and the challenge of Plaid Cymru (Nicholas Alderton); Lloyd George’s presidency of the Board of Trade (Ian Ivatt); A lifetime in Liberalism: where do we go now? (The fourth Viv Bingham Lecture, as delivered by Tony Greaves); Gladstone’s first government 1868–74, with Professor Jon Parry and Dr David Brooks (meeting report by Tony Little); review of Smith, Workhouse to Westminster (Seth Alexander Thevoz); review of Brown, The Unknown Gladstone: The Life of Herbert Gladstone (Roger Swift); review of Swift, Charles Pelham Villiers: Aristocratic Victorian Radical (Ian Cawood); review of Kerry, Lansdowne: The Last Great Whig (Iain Sharpe).

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103 Summer 2019
