William Ewart Gladstone

Born: 29 December 1809
Died: 19 May 1898
Tory MP for Newark 1832-45; Peelite MP for Oxford University 1847-65; Liberal MP for South Lancashire 1865-68, Greenwich 1868-80, Midlothian 1880-95
Leader of the Liberal Party 1866-75, 1880-94
President of the Board of Trade 1841-43, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies 1845-46, Chancellor of the Exchequer 1852-55, 1859-66, 1873-74, 1880-82, Prime Minister 1868-74, 1880-85, 1886, 1892-4
Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands 1859
Histories (subject)
The following histories are about William Ewart Gladstone or mention them in some way:
- The Hawarden Kite
- Gladstone’s second government
- The Midlothian Campaign
- Gladstone’s first government
- Gladstone’s Parliamentary Record 1868-1900
- Gladstonian Liberalism
- William Ewart Gladstone, 1809-1898
- National Sound Archive
Journal Articles (subject)
The following journal articles are about William Ewart Gladstone or mention them in some way:
- Birmingham, the ‘Caucus’ and the 1868 general election
- Coalition before 1886
- A distinction without a difference?
- ‘True to his principles’?
- The Forbidden Ground
- The Liberal Party and the trade unions in the 1870s
- Celebrating 1859: Party, Patriotism and Liberal Values
- Liberal History News: Issue 66
- Gladstone’s First Government 1868–74
- Northampton and the democratic radical tradition
- Letting someone else have your way
- John Stuart Mill, moral outrage and the American Civil War
- ‘The Liberator’ and the Grand Old Man
- Searching for Gladstone
- Gladstone, the Liberal Party and the impact of North American politics and war, 1855–85
- William Gladstone and the question of slavery, 1832–33
- ‘An undoubted error, the most singular and palpable’
- Liberal history news
- ‘Universally respected, admired and … disliked’
- William Ewart Gladstone
- The legacy of Gladstone
- The two Mr Gladstones
- Research Notes: issue 20
- Gladstone and books
- Virtues and flaws
- Gladstone and the Irish question
- Eloquence, energy and execution
- An intractable problem? Gladstone and Irish home rule
- Gladstone and Ireland: the legacy
- Restorative Conservatism
- Gladstone’s Midlothian Campaign of 1879
- Politics and theology
- Gladstone’s library under threat
- Some Gladstonian attitudes
- Report: Only Connect
- Gladstone’s death and funeral
- Gladstone: further reading
- One prayer above all: Ireland, Ireland, Ireland
- Gladstone, Marx and modern progressives
- Gladstone: The colossus of the nineteenth century – politics then and now
- W. E. Gladstone: Lessons and Legacy
- Gladstone as Chancellor
- Gladstone and Liverpool: MP for South Lancashire, 1865-68
- Gladstone and Ireland
- His manner of speech
- The Hawarden Kite
- Gladstone and Britain’s Imperial Role
- Writing about Gladstone
- Gladstonian Liberalism according to Gladstone
- Gladstone and the Conservative collapse
- Dizzy and the Grand Old Man
- The ‘European mind’ of late Victorian Liberalism
- Transatlantic Gladstone
- The historical Gladstone and the contemporary Gladstone
- The general election of 1874
- Jogging along by the Parliamentary train?
- Gladstone and the 1870 Elementary Education Act
- Gladstone’s first ministry and Ireland
- A Chapter of Autobiography as campaign document
- Gladstone’s first government: a policy overview
- The general election of 1868
- Gladstone’s first government, 1868–74
- The Grand Old Man and Dizzy re-examined
- Gladstone and the great Irish famine
- So many Gladstones
- Women and Gladstone
- Gladstone 200
- Review: Reading the man through his books
- Report: Gladstone Bicentenary Conference
- A ‘prophet for the left’? Gladstone’s legacy 1809-2009
- The afterlives of former Liberal prime ministers
- William Ewart Gladstone: A bicentenary perspective
- The making of ‘The People’s William’
- New perspectives on Gladstone
- Lloyd George and leadership
- Gladstone and Ireland
- Liberal history news
Events (subject)
The following events had William Ewart Gladstone as their subject or discussed them in some way:
- The Legacy of Gladstone
- What’s left of Gladstonian Liberalism in the Liberal Democrats?
- The search for the greatest Liberal
- Gladstone’s first government 1868–74
The following resources are related to William Ewart Gladstone:
Histories (author)
William Ewart Gladstone is the author of the following histories:
- Gladstone’s 1886 Manifesto
- Remember The Rights of The Savage
- Extract from Gladstone’s 3rd Midlothian speech on foreign policy